J. Khai Tran

Khai is an experienced leader and scientist within the agricultural technology industry with a strong record of establishing advanced capabilities, building high-functioning teams, and providing innovative technical leadership. Khai’s expertise is in driving rigorous experimental design, data collection, analysis, inference, and decision-making through quantitative model-driven inquiry.   Khai has a background in ecology and evolution (Ph.D.) and has extensive experience establishing cutting edge capabilities (leveraging tools of mathematics, simulation, statistics, optimization, machine learning, data science, and artificial intelligence) at companies both small (Provivi) and large (DuPont Pioneer, Syngenta).  Khai has a solid track record of boosting the efficiency of research programs by spearheading novel approaches to reduce the time, money, and effort required for discovery, development, and basic research and coming up with innovative ways to answer key questions previously thought not to be possible.  

Colleen Lozano