Rob Vinson

Small Business Program Manager at the National Institutes of Health

Rob Vinson serves as a Small Business Program Manager for the NIH SBIR/STTR Program in the Office of Extramural Programs, OER. In this role he is responsible for providing resources to Federal staffers and access to critical information for the small business community seeking early-stage Federal funding. His duties include serving as the Lead Representative for the NIH Technical and Business Assistance (TABA) Program. The TABA Needs Assessment Program helps small businesses identify and address their most pressing product development needs.
Before joining SEED, he was a Senior Grants Policy Analyst at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). In that role, he managed initiatives and special projects on a variety of grants and administrative policy issues. Rob had been with NHLBI since 1993 where his career began as a Grants Management Specialist and rose to the positions of Team Leader, Grants Management Officer, and Branch Chief. Prior to joining NIH, Rob was a commercial loan officer, with an emphasis on small business development and community revitalization.

Bridget McMinnPanelist